Bioinformatics Analyst III, Bedford Lab, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, Dec 2023-present
Bioinformatics Data Scientist, Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Sciences, April 2019-Dec 2023
Research Scientist, Genetics & Genomics Group, University of Washington and NOAA, Nov 2017-March 2019
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Fish & Wildlife Sciences, University of Idaho, May 2015-Nov 2017
Associate Editor, Journal of Heredity, May 2016-present
Marie Curie Fellow, Biological & Biomedical Sciences, Durham University, Jan 2013-April 2015
Adjunct Professor, Hawai’i Pacific University, Sept-Dec 2011
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, HIMB & Oceanography, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, Aug 2009-Dec 2012

Ph.D., Zoology, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, 2009
M.S., Zoology, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, 2007
B.S., Biology, Chemistry minor, Wheaton College (Illinois), 1999

2023: Idaho Fish and Game, $30,000 (CoPI)
2022: Idaho Fish and Game, $26,000 (CoPI)
2021: NIH INBRE, $700,000 (CoPI)
2021: Idaho Fish and Game, $40,000 (CoPI)
2019: Idaho Fish and Game, $120,000 (CoPI)
2018: NOAA OAR, $440,000 (CoPI)
2018: NOAA OAR, $440,000 (CoPI)
2017: Idaho Fish and Game, $30,000 (CoPI)
2016: U.S. Geological Survey Cooperative Agreement, $23,584 (CoPI)
2015: U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service & U.S. Geological Survey SSPP, $22,241 (CoPI)
2012: Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship, £130,000
2011: Faculty Institutes for Reforming Science Teaching (First IV) Travel Scholarship, $1,100
2009: Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics Registration Fee and Travel Scholarship, $2,100
2005: EECB Maybelle Roth ARCS Scholarship, $5,000
2005: Graduate Division Dai Ho Chun Travel Fellowship, $3,000
2005: Graduate Student Organization, $750
2003: Jessie D. Kay Memorial Fellowship, $10,000
2003: EECB Graduate Program, $700
2002: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, $96,000
2002: EECB Graduate Program, 2 grants totaling $3,888
2002: Watson T. Yoshimoto Scholarship, EECB & Yoshimoto Foundation, $2,500
2002: Cetacean Behavior and Conservation Award, Animal Behavior Society, $1,000
2002: Project AWARE Foundation, $1,000
2001: Program Development Grant, University of Hawai’i Sea Grant College Program, $7,490

Workshop Instructor, University of Idaho:
GEM3 Genomics Workshop (website)

Co-Instructor, University of Idaho:
Conservation Genomics (co-designed and co-taught a graduate level lecture course), 2015 & 2017 (syllabus)
Landscape Genetics Distributed Graduate Seminar (co-taught graduate-level lecture course),  2016 (syllabus)

Adjunct Professor, Hawai’i Pacific University:
MARS2063 Marine Biology Lab (designed and taught an undergraduate lab course), 2011 (syllabus)

Teaching Assistant, University of Hawai’i at Manoa, 2000-2009:
Ecology & Evolution (3 semesters)
Cell & Molecular Biology (2 semesters)
Marine Ecology (1 semester)
Marine Biology (1 semester)
Invertebrate Zoology (1 semester)

Invited Undergraduate Course Lectures:
Fisheries management (University of Idaho), 2016
Molecular and Analytical Techniques for Environmental Biology (Durham University), 2014
UH@SEA: A Field Course in Ocean Conservation (University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa), 2010
Advanced Topics in Marine Biology (University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa), 2008-2009
Marine Mammals (University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa), 2007-2008
Marine Mammalogy (University of Hawai’i at Hilo), 2004

I have formally mentored two graduate students and four undergraduate students at Durham University, University of Hawai’i, and University of Washington.